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Doug Barry
 Associate Broker

 Long & Foster
 Real Estate, Inc.
10801 Tony Drive
Lutherville, MD 21093

 Direct 410-207-4751
 Office 410-583-5700

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      Realty Complete

Winter Safety

Winter Safety can also be a lot easier if you prepare ahead of time. Assume that your power will go out at some point and be ready for it. Make a home emergency kit. Buy LED touch lights and keep them hidden in strategic locations. Buy your ice melt, sand and shovels BEFORE snow is predicted. If it snows, clean off awnings and patio roofs where possible. Keep outside drains clear. If the power goes out, call BGE at 877-778-2222 or 410-685-0123. BGE uses the number of calls to determine the size and scope of a power outage.

  Make sure smoke & carbon monoxide detectors are in working order
  Keep generators away from the house (between 300 and 500 people
   in the U.S. die every year from Carbon Monoxide)
  Follow safety instructions for space heaters
  Don't leave lit candles unattended
  Keep a fire extinguisher in the house & replace if more than
   10 years old
  Keep batteries in the house
  Keep your cell phone and laptop fully charged
  Keep a battery-powered radio in the house
  Keep drinking water in the house (well pumps won't work if the power
   is out)
  Keep canned/non-cook food in the house (e.g. tuna, bread, crackers,
   cereal) & make sure you have a non-electric can opener
  Make sure you won't run out of critical medicine
  Bring pets indoors during cold weather
  Change wet clothing
  Remember also that shoveling while it snows is a lot less strenuous
   than shoveling everything after the storm ends



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